The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100043   Message #2003426
Posted By: tarheel
21-Mar-07 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: DC sky today
Subject: RE: BS: DC sky today
well dang,when i was a kid those two winged jobs(called bi-planes) were the best sky writers in the world!
one of the great things they would do,is write the word PEPSI COLA, in the sky!
us kids would lie on our backs on the banks of our back yard and watch these sky writers do their stuff!
it was so neat,too!
since Winston-Salem,N.C., was the home of PEPSI COLA,the compoany would pay these air devils to write PEPSI COLA in the sky,over the town!
the sky wass always so blue(unless it was raining or coming up a cloud or storm)and to wath the sky writers, was the part of being a kid and growing up in this great portion of the SOUTH!
yes,the sky was so blue, then.....