The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100112   Message #2003429
Posted By: dianavan
21-Mar-07 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Subject: RE: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
"We are trying to expand my herb business and there is lots of market, but getting it going soon enough to make any money out of it this year is tricky."

Tricky but not impossible, and now you have the time to do it. Make every minute count.

I hope you can both find more work. I know that interviews are gruesome but I have a friend that was homeless at age 57 and is just now beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. She found work that she enjoys. Remember, you are too old to do anything you do not enjoy and too old to be treated with anything but respect. Expect nothing less.