The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100112   Message #2003743
Posted By: Bee
21-Mar-07 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Subject: RE: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Do you have enough land to keep a cow or two of your own, or of someone else's? I know someone who keeps watch on a small herd, spring to late fall, basically she just makes sure they are all right, and reports births or problems to the owners.

Being slightly (ahem!) older than you, I know how gruesome it can be looking for employment, but be optimistic - there are niches out there for us, some of them very interesting. List your skills and try to think who might need them. I've found work on movie sets filming locally, at small museums, in craft stores, with small publications, in greenhouses, doing research, making costumes...

Anyway, good luck and sorry you have to say goodbye to the cows!