The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99963 Message #2003861
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
22-Mar-07 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
Subject: RE: It isn't 'Folk', but what is it we do?
"Shimrod. That's a dangerous argument. Why? Because it will have people believing that change and 'community ownership' are enough to negate the need for credit/attribution/copyright etc. This is because most believe that Trad = Publicly Owned.
So they'll decide that Changed/owned by community (=Trad) = Out of Copyright. Which is NOT the case - you see?"
Dear 'Someone else',
Are you actually saying what I think you're saying? I think you're saying (and I hope I'm wrong) that a coherent and logical description of Folk/Traditional music should actually be suppressed for commercial/political reasons? Now that's what I call dangerous!!