The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100112   Message #2004122
Posted By: billybob
22-Mar-07 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Subject: RE: BS: May I weep and wail a bit?
Good things happen when you least expect it! Billy was made redundant 5 years ago, lost count of the letters and applications he sent.Then he started doing odd jobs for clients of mine ( little old ladies who knew him and did not want to get a tradesman in to fix a door or paint a shed) he really enjoyed working in the fresh air and also got really fit.
Last September he bumped into an old friend who asked him what he was doing, odd jobs!! Rubbish he said. Phoned next day with an interviesw with his company and now Billy is a man in a suit with a company car and a big grin on his face,put some weight on though so we have started walking in the evenings.
Go with the herbs, I am sure you wont look back.
lots of luck nd hugs from us too.