The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100059   Message #2004125
Posted By: Scrump
22-Mar-07 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Government Bows to Pressure(UK)
Subject: RE: BS: Government Bows to Pressure(UK)
As of today, we don't feel that Britain is that non racist society, and it is not the BNP who keep it that way, but the PC brigade who pigeonhole us into stereotypical groups, and so perpetuate racial differences, rather than celebrate human likenesses.

As a white Brit, I DO feel like a second class citizen, and it is my white, middle class, politically correct countrymen who make me feel so. It is they who tell me I'm wrong to be proud of my origins.

My ethic minority friends couldn't give a toss where I came from. It's ME they like.

I couldn't agree more, Don - well said. The government constantly emphasises the differences between us, instead of treating us all the same.

Whenever I fill in a form and I'm asked to give my Ethnic Origin, I will always put "Other" instead of "White British" (well, I'm not white, am I? I'm a sort of pinkish colour). I resent contributing to these government statistics which constantly seem to be working against integration of ethnic groups, instead of for it.

And I'm opposed to any form of "positive" discrimination, because if it's positive to one group, then by definition it's negative to another. All forms of discrimination are wrong, IMO.

It would probably take a generation or two for everybody to lose the prejudices of previous generations, but this type of probably well-intentioned but counter-productive government interference is just making that day further away.