The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100144   Message #2004550
Posted By: terrier
22-Mar-07 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
Subject: RE: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
My first vari's were useless for reading as the reading bit was far too small and I kept getting high back pain trying to look at computer screens (with my head tilted right back!). When I went for a retest a few weeks ago, I decided, this time, to get a pair of reading glasses as well. With my new vari's, the close up bit at the bottom of the lens is much bigger and I'm having no trouble with reading now, so the reading glasses are still unused in their case!
I think the rule here is to specify EXACTLY what you want when you go for your eye test. Vari's are very useful but they can be set up in different ways and, unfortunately, until you've tried them, you won't know how is best for you.