The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100046   Message #2004571
Posted By: Bobert
22-Mar-07 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Subject: RE: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Well, Like Donuel, I hardly have time to get sucked into another thread but...

Okay, first of all, when we look at US loses, add another 400 deaths and couple thousand injured when throwing in the "privatized" component of the Iraq War...

Problem with fightin' wars with the "Blackwaters" of the corporate world is:

1. They aren't sufficiently equipped...

2. They don't know jack about ineternational law...

3. and when one of their employees is injured there is absolutelt no protection that theat person will get the treatment afforded a ***real*** combat vet...

Yeah, privatization is not only costly to the tax payer and redundant but a bad trick paid to anyone hurt in ***playin' war*** in a ***real war***....
