The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100144   Message #2004700
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
23-Mar-07 - 03:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
Subject: RE: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
"waggling your head around thing is typical at the start but after a few days your brain will reinterpret and everything should become natural and the head movements unconscious."

I suggest you might try sitting in your lounge chair watching TV and reading - with your head pushed back against the chair - this will force your brain to adapt faster - you may still get some headaches for a while though.

Some time after 1975, I acquired contact lenses (hard type), after having worn glasses since primary school. I got new glasses too - but was totally unable to wear them once I got used to contact lenses. I was working in a compactus - those sliding shelves - getting documents out all day long - and my normal strong glasses prescription made everything have curved lines - I couldn't drive with them - I would just 'go blind' and be totally unable to see anything, even though I could see that the world was out there! No optician or specialist could assist.

About 10 years ago, I was convinced to move to soft contacts - that was a nightmare, as my eyes heavily mucus at times, and the silicon in the lenses causes me to be allergic and the lenses completely 'white out' after a few hours! Finally found a type that is wearable!. A couple of years ago, as I was spending much time in the house, I started wearing the glasses again, as I didn't want to put the lenses in while at home - also they are more optimised for 'driving distance' and watching TV and reading was just a bit close for that, and was tired of stumbling around not being able to focus more than a hand span in front of my nose....

After a year of two of wearing exactly the same glasses that I could not tolerate years ago, suddenly my eyes are comfortable, and I can wear them around the house all the time now. Can even legally drive in them, but having got used to the much wider apparent 'field of clear view' of contact lenses, I prefer to wear them.

Hang in there!

As the Optician said 'you see mostly with your brain, not your eyes!'