The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19507   Message #200498
Posted By: Kelida
24-Mar-00 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
Subject: RE: BS: Friendly, But Not Familiar?
My hands are almost definitely permanently stained red from colored pencil dust. The last project I finished (about a week ago) is about to be in an art show at the Taft Museum here in Cincinnati, which is very exciting. I also am working on a piece for a contest at Summerfair, also here in town. Since my art teacher seems determined to grade very arbitrarily (she has all these weird ideas about homework and deadlines... If she ever gave us something worth doing instead of the same sketch 10 different times, I may even do it), my grades are not my strong point, so I guess my artwork should be.

Another weird thing is that my hands are now crooked from constant drawing and writing. I think my Summerfair project is going to be one of the illustrations from the comic book I'm working on...