The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100144   Message #2005228
Posted By: gnu
23-Mar-07 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
Subject: RE: BS: new specs - will I get used to them?
Rap... and whoever.... re clip-on sunglasses.

Try a pair of "Fitovers". The CNIB (Canuck Natl Inst for the Blind) sells them cheaper than the retailers (optometrists). And... make sure they are real Fitovers and not the ones made in China with the CHEAP vinyl case. I got screwed the last time I bought a pair... forgot my glasses. Fitovers will protect the eyes much better than clip-ons.

And, they look cool, dude. Especially on an 80 year old lady in the grocery store when someone leaves their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle and blocks the rest of the aisle with their fat ass. SMACK. Oh, I'm sorry... I thought you left enough room to get by.... ;-) Of course, this works best if you have a 280# Irish walking behind you... with Fitovers on. Some of them other little old ladies are nastty and tough!