The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9718   Message #2005294
Posted By: bubblyrat
23-Mar-07 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Xenophobia
Subject: RE: Xenophobia
If Man is the only species who fears his own kind, then how do you explain the behaviour of Chimpanzees in the wild who will, on encountering a "strange " chimp. from another troupe, who has strayed into their territory, chase down, catch, kill, tear to pieces,and then eat, one of their own . ???? Humans, like Chimpanzees, are conditioned to live in small - to - medium "groups" , and instinctively become uneasy and unsettled when confronted with aliens, whose prescence triggers primeval subconscious responses to the threats posed to their food supplies, womenfolk, power, etc., hence the " Fear of Strangers " that the word Xenophobia implies. The citizens of the United States are probably more tolerant of "strangers" than the British, as they have not,to my knowledge, ( The Americans ) been invaded and subdued by, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Danes, Norwegians, Romans, French, and very nearly by the Spanish and the Germans.
          I was always taught that a WOG was a WILY ORIENTAL GENTLEMAN , all Italians were either WOPS or EYE-TIES : All Spaniards are DAGOS ( from " Don Diego ) whilst the Germans are either KRAUTS or THE HUN . The Japanese, of course, are NIPS ( from NIPPON ) whilst the term FROG, as used to describe the French, has almost become a term of affection !! The British , particularly in the armed forces, always refer to the Chinese as CHINKS or CHOGUES , the term SLOPEHEAD being unknown other than in American films , where one might also encounter GOOK, NIGGER and, yes !! --LIMEY !! All this malarkey is a defence mechanism, a coping strategy for dealing with the realities of everyday multi-racial and multi-cultural society. It"s not just that we are AFRAID of strangers----We don"t actually LIKE them very much, given the way we have been conquered and overrun by them for the last 2000 years or so !! So if we are less than enthusiastic at the prospect of our favourite daughter marrying a Touareg slave-trafficker , perhaps the rest of the world could be a bit more tolerant and understanding ??? Please ??