The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100023   Message #2005466
Posted By: Bobert
23-Mar-07 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Reviewing the Road to Iraq

Why have you gone back to SCREAMING at people???

Kinda reminds me of a few years back and I knew this guy who had a landscaping firm and had hired several Hispanis workers and thought that rather than learn a little Espanol he'd just SCREAM in English to them???

Didn't work with him and it ain't workin' with you either...

SCREAMING is rude, rude, rude... And guess what??? Yeah I'm sure this is going to come as a major surprise to ya, pal, but there are lots of folks who absolutely will nopt read anything posted by a SCREAMER...

Get it yet???

You are smart 'nuff feller to noe have to resort to rude behavior...
