The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19398   Message #200595
Posted By: JamesJim
24-Mar-00 - 02:41 AM
Thread Name: Folk Music and Politics
Subject: RE: Folk Music and Politics
I can't pass this without commenting. We live in a new age where everything is being re-defined. Web access is driving that new age and politics has very little to do with it. We are becoming more aware of our brothers and sisters from all over the world through the internet. It is not a "personal" type of relationship, where we can look each other in the eye, but then, it's more than we've ever had before. It has created and will continue to create an opportunity for all to share in the wealth of the world. If there is a political element to it (and I'm sure there is), perhaps it is the challenge of leaving no one behind.

We will all continue to deal with issues at our local level. That is where the music has always come from - those things that effect people in every day life. Much of the music will continue (just like now) to appeal to folks all over the world, because we all deal with similar issues and problems. I've never been to Ireland (sure hope to change that some day) but I can identify with the problems those who live there face. Sure there are stupid agendas of both political elements - Liberals and Conservatives - no matter the country. We have to expose both in our music. There's lot's to write about for those who are talented enough to do so. What a great opportunity! Jim