The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100172   Message #2006181
Posted By: GUEST,Steve_Cooperator
24-Mar-07 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: Is this a folk song?
Subject: RE: Is this a folk song?
Adding my ten-pennerthworth (howoever it is spelt).

It is hard to say just on lyrics alone if a song could be accepted as folk, their is also the melody, phrasing, meter etc. which all have an effect on how the listener catergorises a song. In a way it is easy. You hear a song and you day to yourself - that goes with: folk, jazz, pop, rock, classical, music hall etc etc etc. In the end, it is in the ear of the beholder.


If anyone has strong views on what folk is and isn't then it is up to them to bring this, through performance, educaton, exchange of opinion, and bring attention to exemplary works.

In the end, when I listen to something, it is up to me if I call it folk or otherwise. it is my right to have that opinion, and that opinion is shaped by 25 years+ on the folk scene. Again what I dont call folk, someone else may do. It's their right,....