The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100172   Message #2006706
Posted By: greg stephens
25-Mar-07 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: Is this a folk song?
Subject: RE: Is this a folk song?
When I was a kid, the black and white stripy animals were zebras. The ones with the really long necks, and brown and pale patterns, were called giraffes. Those definitions suited us well, and they suit me now. If that makes me a fundamentalist, fine. I can live with that. And people can come along and tell me the long necked ones are zebras till they are blue in the face, I will still call them giraffes. There is nothing wrong with giraffes, or zebras. They just happen to be have been defined as different kind of animals for a while. And that's good. They are also both mammals, but they are not the same species.
    But if it really makes you feel good to call giraffes zebras, carry on. It's a free world. Just don't apply for a job writing the labels in a zoo.