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Thread #97835   Message #2007118
Posted By: Ron Davies
25-Mar-07 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops

Do you ever use your head?

As has been pointed out, a "war on terror" is by definition endless. That's why Bush was stupid to declare it-----except of course that he now can--and does-- justify any assault on the Constitution, civil rights--or anything else of his choosing--by claiming it's necessary to fight the "war on terror".

Sunnis--as I indicated, it's the rejection of your idea that the Sunnis deserve "no consideration"--which may possibly make negotiations between the Maliki government and other factions a reality. Even that is uncertain--whether these negotiations bear fruit has yet to be seen.

The only thing which is absolutely clear is that your attitude--as in the quote--cited above-- from your collected works-- was the worst possible one--and guaranteed to worsen the civil war.

Propaganda--I understand that you refuse to acknowledge the Bush Iraq propaganda campaign. As I've said before, it must be agony to have such a tender ego.

Chain of command--so you finally realize your attempt to graft the British Navy onto al Sadr's "army" is absurd? That's progress.