The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100172   Message #2007289
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
26-Mar-07 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: Is this a folk song?
Subject: RE: Is this a folk song?
"The "Folk's" tradition goes on and yet you can't rejoice in that fact."

Yes I can - but with reservations. Because I'm not an anti-intellectual, "prolier-than-thou", Rock music obsessed, ageist snob - as several posters to this thread seem to be - I'm a sceptic. Just because the above mentioned snobs scream in my ear that "A is B" and "zebras are giraffes" (thanks, Greg) doesn't mean that I'm going to automatically endorse their vacuous, uninformed notions.

"The sieve songs go through is still the people. Respect their choices!"

No problem there! What's your problem?

"Are all recently composed songs now to be labelled "folksongs", or only some of them? And if only some, which fundamentalist folk-nazi police are going to sort the sheep from the goats?"

This is a good point, Greg. As a fully paid up 'fundamentalist folk-nazi policeman' I don't think I've got the stamina! The other night I sat through a session in which several dozen 'contemporary' dire ditties were warbled and were interspersed with a handful of traditional songs. I don't want to hear any of the dire ditties again, let alone have to sort them!