The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100242   Message #2007650
Posted By: eddie1
26-Mar-07 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Message to middle-lane sitters on the M6
Subject: RE: BS: Message to middle-lane sitters on the M6
Richard Bridge!
It's all your fault! I was reading this thread quite happily and managing to agree with all kinds of expressed opinions. If the left lane (in the UK) is occupied by a variety of slow-moving vehicles – tractors, earth movers, Santa's sleigh etc etc, then I can see the point of being a CLOD (Centre Lane Only Driver). If however the stuff in the left lane is steadily overtaking the aforementioned CLOD, even worse when the left lane is clear, then I do get a little irate but you, Richard Bridge, had the temerity to remind me of the only thing that let's me approach road rage. These A$%*holes who think their time is more important than mine, that scream up the right lane then expect me to give way and let them in. You get the same in town where traffic lights are shortly followed by two lanes merging into one. That's when I wish I had a car with a strengthened steel bumper going all the way round – a kind of super-dodgem. I'd let them see the error of their ways, the sods!!!!!
Sorry for getting at you Richard. I feel much better now and knowing I'm not the only one who feels that way makes me feel even better.
