The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100046   Message #2007786
Posted By: Barry Finn
26-Mar-07 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Subject: RE: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
From the same folks that gave us the minings of the harbors in Nicaragua. Mercenaries is what they're still called. They network & recruit within the ex special forces. They take these wacko's like my brother who couldn't find work in the public sector as a small arms & an underwater demolition's expert (ex-seal). We'll give you a career is what they promise. They train these guys for jobs that they can't use once they're out so where else do they go where they can make good money. We outsource them of course. Criminal, if you ask me & I don't care if you didn't ask.
