The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76861   Message #2008018
Posted By: Bobert
26-Mar-07 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Quit Smoking Today!
Subject: RE: BS: Quit Smoking Today!
Me an' Tony quit... "Cigarettes, that is..."

Little toke never hurt nobody, tho....

But, okay, I quit cigarettes in 1985 when my son was born...

But I read recently, however, that there is no correlation between smokin' pot an' lung cancer... Might of fact, pot smokers live longer than non-smokers, according to the study... Problem is, I can't remember where I read it but, hey...

Okay, they did find a correlatiion between pot smokin' and bad typin' and spellin' but I thankfully ain't had none of that stuff...

Bobert (cough...)