The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100046   Message #2008165
Posted By: Barry Finn
27-Mar-07 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Subject: RE: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Hi Peace, I didn't take it as being flip at all, more close to the truth than one would want or care to be.
With my brother he was first a sub mariner & was with all his sub school mates (on the USS Scoripion) he signed on for special forces & was in seal training when the Scoripion went down with all hands, everyone he served with, schooled with & the only friends he had up till then. He told me once that he should be with them & never spoke of the war again. Clearly he was a canidate for follow up care but instead he was sought out for his underwater abilities that he couldn't sell on shore & to the public. I'm leaving this thread in tears thinking about the hman waste war produces.
