The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97372   Message #2008924
Posted By: bubblyrat
27-Mar-07 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
Subject: RE: BS: Legalise Prostitution?
If you legalise it, then you can have properly licensed and organised premises. These can be staffed by people who can be trained to spot the nutters, the unwashed, the drunk, the "desperados " etc.The ladies themselves can be encouraged to have regular medical check-ups, as a pre-condition to getting a licence to "trade ".This would immediately rule out the hollow-eyed skeletons who willingly demean themselves just to get their next "fix".These are the ones who spread the infections and,sadly, run the greatest risk of being the objects of sadistic violence. Once you allow women to run brothels etc (I hate that word !! Bordello is so much nicer---even "Cat house " !!) on THEIR terms, a lot of the problems vanish.One has to remember that there are many, many women who are "on the Game " as we say in England, for reasons not necessarily connected with coercion, addiction,or desperation. A few years ago, I saw a documentary about a bunch of beautiful,educated,articulate,self-confident young ladies who were paying their way through college by "entertaining " wealthy Japanese business men in Sydney, Australia. They saw no shame in it, and were sufficiently well-organised to be pretty confident about staying both clean and safe !! In The Netherlands in the last ten years or so, the authorities set up a car-park, where "Prostis " and their clients could go to transact their business, in Amsterdam. The car-park had/has security guards, and is well lit, so the women know that they only have to scream ,or sound the car horn, to get any trouble stopped before it can start.There are even some women,who would not, or cannot, dream of doing anything else OTHER than prostitution for a living.The classic case was of the Australian TV reporter who tried to "save " a bar-girl in ,I think, Thailand or Vietnam. He asked her why she did what she did, and she replied that she needed enough money for a small farm, so she could support her family. He really liked her, so he got 20,000 dollars together , or something like that, and took her back to her family in the countryside. Six months later, he comes back from Australia, but she is not on the farm . So he goes to Bangkok, or wherever, and she"s back working in a bar !! -----Because she likes it, she misses it, and the farm was boring !! So , no amount of protesting ,or agonising, or moralising ,is ever going to stop some women from wanting to join the world"s "Oldest Profession ", so I guess you high-falutin' ladies in the USA ( and England ! ) had better get used to that idea . Instead of condemning, and wringing your hands in horror, why not do something constructive to HELP these people ?? PUSH for prostitution to be legalised and regulated----INSIST on free medical checks for "the girls "---EDUCATE people about prostitution, what it is, and why some folks do it, and some folks need it. SURELY ---At the end of the day ---If legalising prostitution saves the life of just ONE young student, or nurse on her way home through the park ,who dies because some weirdo can"t get sex any other way ( And you can"t ban desire ) , then it would have been worth it ?? Don"t fight it---Try and UNDERSTAND it !!
I suppose now you are thinking " Has he done any research ?" !! Well, Yes, I must say I have ---in Hong Kong, Singapore, Plymouth ( England ) and Edinburgh ( Scotland )!! . I was willingly and enthusiastically assisted in my endeavours by ,at various times and locations, fellow Social Anthropology students from colleges including ; HMS EAGLE--USS SANCTUARY---USS McCLOY---USS SPRINGFIELD , and ,to include Canada, HMCS BONAVENTURE ..( There were others !! ) That"s quite a few thousand researchers, so why not ask them for their opinion on the subject ??   !!