The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100168   Message #2009217
Posted By: Teribus
28-Mar-07 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Subject: RE: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
According to Terri Judd's article, the "Cornwall's" Helo had overflown the Japanese vessel and reported that all was well. The helo was ordered to continue its surveillence duties in another area. The boarding party then completed their inspection of the vessel and returned to their boats. At this time "Cornwall" lost radio contact with the boarding party and the helo was ordered back to check out the situation. As it flew over the Japanese ship the helo pilots saw the crew of the ship waving and pointing towards the Iranian side of the waterway to where six Iranian patrol boats were escorting the two British RIBs towards Iran.

After all the dust has settled, and hopefully after "Cornwall's" crew members have been returned unharmed, I trust that the Ministry of Defence fully investigate the circumstances that led to this incident. Personally I feel that the Officer in Command of the situation, and the Commanding Officer of HMS Cornwall should be brought to book for it, everything about the whole episode sounds as though this boarding party were sent off in a very slap-dash manner and that sufficient measures were not put in place, and kept in place, to ensure their security - in a potentially hazardous or dangerous situation that is inexcusable.

I would imagine, or least hope, that the OIC has drastically reviewed procedures for searching suspect vessels and put in place strong measures to deter interference by third parties.