The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100311   Message #2010719
Posted By: Willie-O
29-Mar-07 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
Subject: RE: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
That crossed my mind too, jennyO. Guess we O's are just too stupid to understand.

Prohibited statements to customers in my previous places of employ:

Canadian Tire: looking it up and telling the customer when the item they want is scheduled to go on sale.

Large ISP helpdesk: "the last agent you talked to got it all wrong..." over the two years I was there, this became more and more verboten, to the point where if a customer complained about someone they previously spoke to, ANY agreement or support of their criticism became a fireable offense. Made it hard to explain why I was telling them something entirely different than the fairytale the other guy had tried to sell them...

That's about it for my experience in large corporations. But it was enough that I experienced these two irroncilable facts: people lie and try to scam frequently, and although I don't identify or sympathize with large capitalist corporations, that does not require me to identify and sympathise with someone who is trying to run a scam on the corporation through me. They're good for a laugh sometimes though.