The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100311   Message #2010870
Posted By: Scoville
29-Mar-07 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
Subject: RE: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
Previous job:
People who didn't take care of their pets or had more than they could afford, who then came in with a crisis (pyometra, end-stage heartworm disease, pregnancy gone bad, raging untreated allergies or mange, whatever) and wanted us to treat it for pennies on the dollar. Animal hospitals want to help. We really do. But we're not charities [most of us] and it's a high-overhead business, and Lord knows vet techs are not overpaid.

Current job:
Researchers who ask for things we do not have (if it's not listed on the website, we don't have it), or ask for things we DO have but want us to do the research for them. Sorry, I bring you the boxes and books; you do the legwork. And, no, I cannot turn you loose in the archive warehouse to browse freely; we expect you to have planned what you need and we will go get it for you.