The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100311   Message #2010978
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Mar-07 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
Subject: RE: BS: The Secret Life of Your Profession...
The staff might possibly maybe comment upon:

1. The little girl who pees on the chair and whose mother thinks it's funny.

2. The people who smell of stale booze, stale tobacco smoke, stale vomit, and other stale odors (often all at the same time).

3. Whoever left an unopened bottle of Bud Light and a mostly-full pack of Marlboro Lights in the book drop.

4. The guy who blew is nose on the floor (plug one nostril and blow).

5. The guy with sore-covered, bleeding hands who wanted to apply for a library card.

6. The idiots who leave sheath knives, throwing stars, spiked clubs, guns, and homemade "mini-grenades" in or around the library.

7. The man who used a used condom for a bookmark.

8. The lady who, upon seeing the Black History Month display, shouted "I feel like I'm in Africa!"

9. The man who walked into the Women's Toilet "because the men's was out of paper towels."

10. The 12 year old who fondled a 4 year old.

11. The 18 year old who tried to force, at knifepoint, an 8 year old to perform sexual acts. (The 18 year old is doing 5 to 7 in prison.)

12 The parents who use the Library as a day care center or a babysitting service.

13. The parents who dump their kids and haven't picked them up by 9 p.m., when we close.

14. Those who want more and more library services but don't want to pay the taxes that pay for it.

15. The convicted sex offender who answered the door wearing a washcloth when the Homebound Librarian came to visit.

You really want me to go on???