The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100168   Message #2011361
Posted By: dianavan
29-Mar-07 - 11:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Subject: RE: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
bb - Why do you keep saying, "Local fisherman states the Brits were in Iraqi waters." when I have already linked a source (Globe and Mail) that says otherwise?

Keith - Shaming me is a waste of breath. Guilt isn't something that works well on me. I am not defending evil. Quite the contrary. I'm trying to get to the truth by questioning all accounts of this incident. I know that there are two sides to every story.

I don't think you can draw any firm conclusions when the media accounts are contradictory and there is so much that has been omitted, filtered and revised. I do not think you or anyone else can make any judgement based on a video clip that was a few seconds long. It was blurry, quick and edited. Besides that, it is quite possible that it was digitally enhanced.

There is plenty of propaganda coming from both sides and anyone who chooses to escalate this incident into a war is evil and that includes Britain. I am a long way from feeling shame or defending evil. In fact, I am proud of my ability to stand back and look at the situation objectively which is more that you or bb can do.

You have had your nose rubbed in your own shit by a few Iranians who were able to outwit the British Navy. Now you are just trying to save face by pointing your finger at the evil doers and shaming others. Its a pretty thin excuse for poking at a hornets nest and then crying when you get stung.

I think its pretty obvious that the U.S./Britain have been itching for a battle with Iran and have created an incident by overstepping their boundaries in an area that has been disputed for decades. Nothing else really makes sense.

Why would Iran want to battle with the U.S. when it is the U.S. that has the nuclear bomb? Thats a bit like David and Goliath wouldn't you say?