The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100168   Message #2011689
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
30-Mar-07 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Subject: RE: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
To turn to an issue that is inevitably bound to get drawn into this one, if it doesn't get sorted out soon - the Iranian diplomats being held by the US after being detained (no doubt "kidnapped" would be how it would be described in Iran)in northern Iraq.

It wouldn't do any harm if they were allowed consular access, and some omformation was given of what is happening to them. I imagine their families might even be rather pleased to have them "paraded on TV" looking reasonably well and comfortable - at least they'd know they were alive, and have some indication they weren't being tortured.
"They are instructed to volunteer no information or opinion beyond name and number." I'm sure that is the official position. But official positions aren't always the last word. These kind of statements by prisoners are pretty frequent, and so far as I know no peanlties are imposed on them following release, nor should they be.