The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100386   Message #2012385
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
31-Mar-07 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Everyone seems to be missing the point here, there is no conflict between Iran and The United Kingdom, so why are we bleeting on about the way a few bad apples have treated prisoners in Abhu Grahib, this has absolutely nothing to do with Iran. it is fair to compare the way that the Al Quaida cells look after theyre detainees, and as bad as a few immoral pictures are concerned, or having to wear orange overalls 24/7 i would prefer this to having my head hacked off in the name of Alla.
as stated before, this is an argument between 2 military factors, it has nothing to do with Guantanamo, Abhu Grahib, Al Quaida etc etc. the iranian military are showing themselves up to be 2nd rate, amateurish and embarrassing for the Iranian people. I dont know what the state of play at the moment is, but i suspect they had better be thinking of releasing them very soon. As they will find out exactly how professional certain departments of the British Army are. I think a more fair comparison of how our troops behave in this sort of manner would be to look at how the Iraqi "Soldiers" not terrorist suspects. were treated as the invasion began. or in 1991, when the Iraqis were surrendering in theyre thousands.