The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100168   Message #2012716
Posted By: dianavan
31-Mar-07 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Subject: RE: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Exactly! Knowing Iran's defensive position, why did Britain push the envelope. Why not stay well away from a territorial dispute? It was very brazen of the Iranians to capture the Brits when they were outgunned and outmanned but the fact is they did it and wherever the border may or may not be is no longer the primary concern. The object should be the return of the British captives.

One thing for certain, Iranian 'honour' is not something to take lightly. In other words, there must be a way for them to return the hostages and save face. Unfortunately, with no apology or admission of guilt by the Brits, and no chance of negotiating a hostage exchange, it leaves the Iranians only to consider a final option. That option would be to try the Brits in their courts.

In the meantime, the Iranians will use this hostage incident for PR and strengthen their regime at home. It also helps to turn worldwide public opinion against the U.S. Unfortunately, the British hostages become the sacrificial lambs.

btw - If people think Iran is treating their hostages badly, lets have a look at the Iranian hostages in U.S. custody.