The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100168   Message #2012910
Posted By: Teribus
31-Mar-07 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
Subject: RE: BS: Sailors kidnapped by Revolutionary Guard
This has all got all got way out of hand.

One - It would never have happened in Thatchers day.

Now - I would demand that the Iranian Government within 24 hours releases our servicemen and return their equipment full and intact. I would call on the United nations to back up that demand, because the ONLY reason that those British sailors were there in first place was because they were backing up a United Nations Security Council resolution. Failure to comply would mean that a state of war exists between the the sovereign State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the sovereign State of Iran. To all of those who have started to laugh, consider this, the UK is perfectly capable of waging this war Iran is not. This is the tight-rope that Iran knowingly treads. The basic fact remains that should the shit hit the fan, the most that Iran can do is is kill 15 British Servicemen, Britain on the otherhand can obliterate the whole of Iran - Their call.