The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100409   Message #2013971
Posted By: 282RA
01-Apr-07 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: One compelling reason for a god?
Subject: RE: BS: One compelling reason for a god?
>>There are no rational reasons to believe in our present political system either.<<

You're merely proving what I've already asserted: If there is no rationale behind believing in something then come up with something else. Sticking to the same worn-out arguments produces the political morass we are in. Continuing to hold the same WRONG beliefs about this god results in a religion that kills and destroys in the name of peace and love and it makes no difference what religion it is. They all do it because they refuse to ditch wrongheaded beliefs because to do so would require brainwork to come up with something workable and that's too hard for their empty heads. Much easier to call the atheists stuck up and arrogant and dismiss their arguments than admit they are right (once again, I am NOT talking about the materialist jerks who think they are atheists but are not so don't use them as an example of what atheism is).