The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97099   Message #2014261
Posted By: GUEST
02-Apr-07 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
Subject: RE: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
Hello Craig,

I am a classically trained singer. I am 44 and still singing strong.

I have however engaged a number of problems over the years.

Excess mucus is caused through post nasal drip blocked synes's etc, asthma, or allergies. If however it comes from your chest it is highly likely you have a bronchial problem. 1 in 4 people in Britain today have asthma and it can be mild and unnoticeable to very bad. I suggest you ask for a lung function test at your GP.

BTW I am asthmatic, and many great and powerful singers suffer from lung ailments, Enrico Caruso had Empyhesema, Joan Sutherland allergic rhinitus and synicitus and post nasal drip.

The important thing is to recognise you have an issue and tend to it. Don't sing in smokey atmospheres take nothing that dries out your vocal chords.

Whatever your problem is rest assured it is treatable.