Oh, and what about that mirror site that has all the sheet music for the Digital Tradition stuff? I forgot how to get there, but I'll think of it before I finish this, I think
I just messed around some with the Levy/Mountain Railroad, and despite trying Photohouse, PhotoDeluxe, and Irfanview, I didn't come up with anything good enough to even call it crap.
(5 minute time out) OK, I'm back, bet you didn't miss me. Didn't find it there anyway, but here is an example of what they DO have, this one for Lulu Walls Links at top and bottom of the page will get you to all they have there, but only those songs that have (with tune) listed afterward have ABC, SongWright, PostScript, DVI, or a MusicTeX fragment) Pennywhistle notation and Dulcimer tab.