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Thread #100386   Message #2015366
Posted By: dianavan
03-Apr-07 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Blair the hypocrite
2A2RA - You forgot one:

Blindlemonsteve said: "The Iranians are showing themselves up for what they are 2nd rate military..."

Thats a laugh. Tell that to Iraq when Saddam (backed by the U.S.) decided to go to war with Iran. Tell that to the British soldiers who were abducted by Iranian soldiers in a couple of small boats when the Cornwall and a British helicopter were nearby.

Maybe you think they're second rate because they haven't invaded another country in recent history. Maybe its because they have only defended themselves against aggression. Maybe you think they're second rate because they don't have nuclear weapons.

Considering that Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons, I think Iran still has a military not to be messed with. For Iran to maintain control of their oil fields while surrounded by U.S./British forces on one side in Iraq, NATO forces in Afghanistan on the other, and Arabs all around, they're pretty amazing - never mind Russia bearing down on them in the past. I'd like to see Britain survive that kind of pressure on their country.

Its a good thing you're not in a position of power. By thinking that Iran has a 2nd rate military, you could get your country in alot of trouble. Anyone who thinks an invasion of Iran would be a piece of cake, should think again.