The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100386   Message #2015463
Posted By: Blindlemonsteve
03-Apr-07 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blair the hypocrite
Subject: RE: BS: Blair the hypocrite
If i were in a position of power, we would never have been in Iraq in the first place. Seems i´m never going to get my point across, so i´m going to sit back and listen to you all chew the fat,Dianavan and 282r, thankyou for the last few days, its been thought provoking, i´ll catch up with you other threads, i´m sure we can cross swords again. i kind of get the feeling that were never going to agree on many things, but lets not let that get in the way of a good debate.....

Remember,,,, just because i dont agree with what you say, it doesnt mean i wouldnt fight to the death to defend your right to say it.

see ya all soon