The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3503   Message #2015825
Posted By: Barry Finn
04-Apr-07 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Songs about women & the sea
Here Bettle Cat

This is from my singing partner.


As I walked out one morning down by the Boston Docks
I met a pretty young Judy there & after a line of talk
She throws her arms around me waist & says me jolly tar
How I'd like to see your lofty ship & her main royal yard

Refrain: The main royal yard & her main royal
             (repeat the last line of each verse as the refrain)
             How I'd like to see your lofty ship & her main royal yard

Says I to me self such a strange request has never been put to me
What interest would this Judy have in a ship that sails the sea
Excepting for me six months pay for which I've worked so hard
And what's this silly fascination with the main royal

So as we walked aboard the ship watch he winks at we
Are you sick of the shore so soon me lad are you looking to go to sea
To sea your ass says I with a grin but don't be laughing to hard
For this lassie is wanting to climb aloft to the main royal yard

So it's off with her petty coats one by one & her velvet slippers too
Then up aloft as sure as hell exposing a lovely view
And soon she's up to royal shrouds as soon as any tar
And a prettier sailor I never did see on the main royal yard

Says I to myself I must be daft to allow such a thing to be
When all of a sudden this lassie aloft starts spitting down at me
She give to me a saucy wink likewise a saucy nod
And she hollers now Jack come frolic with me on the main royal yard

Now the moon was so romantic a shinning on the bay
And the wind was blowing east nor' east as she let me have me way
Soon we'll have a little baby & he'll be a jolly tar
For you know he was conceived up on the main royal yard

copyright 1998 (words & tune) Neil Downey

BTW, is your name Bettle Cat after the Cape Cod cat boats?

Good luck