The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100473   Message #2016047
Posted By: jacqui.c
04-Apr-07 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
Subject: RE: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
I've bounced in and out of Christianity for a good part of my life but always ended up being stifled by the rules and regulations and, quite often, the narrow mindedness of those who applied them. I've also found the holier than thou attitude, which exudes from some so called Christians, to be very off putting.

In the last few years I have thought more about my own beliefs and have come to the conclusion that, like other organisations, religions just give people a place to belong and that many people do need to have that anchor. It's just not for me.

I suppose the real turning point was the Jack In The Green festival in Hastings in 2004. I watched a group of pagans putting together their giants for the procession and it just got me thinking about why they were there and doing what they were doing. That, together with the teachings of a friend in quantum physics (what little I understood) and the realisation that the gospels were cobbled together 400 years AD all came together to make me really think about what I believed in.

I've spoken to a few people about my own belief and Kendall tells me that I'm probably somewhere close to being a Universal Unitarian. That's fine by me, so long as nobody wants me to fit into their system or conform to their rules.

For day to day living I try to lead as decent a life as I can, following a lot of the tenets that religions suggest. I know that I have a 'dark side' and try to use it constructively, rather than denying it completely. I don't believe in hell. I do KNOW that if I do something that goes against my own conscience, I will feel very uncomfortable, so I listen to my conscience and try to follow its dictats. I try to find the good in all things (don't always succeed there) and to be aware of the wonderful planet I live on.