The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19684   Message #201889
Posted By: fulurum
26-Mar-00 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: Convoy...
Subject: RE: Convoy...
the movie version

mercy sakes alive, looks like we got us a convoy

arizona noon on the 7th of june

when they highballed over the pass

bulldog mac with a can on the back

and a jaguar hauling ass

he's ten on the floor

stroke and bore

seat covers starting to gain

now beaver your a trucking with the rubber duck

and i'm about to pull the plug on your drain

because we got a great big convoy...

****ah roger big ben this heres the duck again now you wanna back off with them go go girls ah ten roger, about 5 miles or so yeah them hogs is getting intense up here

new mexico on i 40 like a texas lizard on glass

1000 pedals was mashing the metal

and bears was walking the grass

we trucked all day we trucked all night

big benny approving our style

we could tell by the smell

we were heading for hell

and the devil was dirty lyle

cause we got a ...

*** heres the plan big ben, when we get to the pass we gonna put on our fish costumes, pass out the vaseline and an extra ration of rum to the men that should do it

now lyle was a creep

he was tacky and cheap

but he had him a badge and a gun

he hated the duck and he hated his truck

and he loved to bust truckers for fun

so he followed the line and he bided his time he watched for his chance to strike

then he picked on a trucker

a wiry sucker they called spider mike

but the great rubber duck

sorta ran outta luck

when he crossed that final bridge

there was choppers and rigs

full of guns as pigs wall to wall on the ridge

he showed no fear as he grab the gear

and stuck it in grand daddy low

them guns went boom and his ass went zoom

and the mac to a terminal blow

*** aH how bout ya big nasty say listen big nasty we sure are glad your a long on this here run to kick ass don't you know don't ya know ah 10-4 i know you can't say kick ass on the cb

well that big black mac stopped dead in her tracks

when the trailer blew high in the air

there was pieces of truck and pieces of duck

and junk and debris everywhere

then the rig took a drink

and commenced to sink

there was no duck no more

but that evil smile

from dirty old lyle

showed south from the north texas shore

cause we got a mighty convoy...

***10-4 big ben whats yur 20. omaha, hell they oughta know what to do with them hogs out there for sure well listen good buddy keep them bugs off yor glass and them bears off yur ass we'll catch you on the flip flop. this heres the rubber duck on the side south bound and down we gone bye bye

cw mccall. couldn't make up my mind if this belonged here or in the worst lines thread