The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100046   Message #2019320
Posted By: Stringsinger
07-Apr-07 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
Subject: RE: BS: The US shadow ARMY Blackwater
It would be helpful to google Erik Prince. He is the billionaire who founded Blackwater and has close ties to Focus on the Family and many evangelical right-wing-nuts. He also runs a farm community in California that sells their product through organic health food stores.

This guy is probably a closet (if not overt) Christian Nationalist and if you don't know what that is, please google it and find out. They intend to overthrow our system of government with a Christian biblical theocracy.

Chris Hedges has information on this as well. As Americans, you should be alarmed.

These mercenaries are dangerous.

Frank Hamilton