The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100473   Message #2019724
Posted By: skarpi
08-Apr-07 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
Subject: RE: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
Have I changed my religious views , I have often wander about it .
why well first all , most of the wars in the past started
becouse of religious views and for what ? why ? If the holy book
is the " book " we should not go to wars, the 10 commitments
do we go after them ? thats a big question and I think everyone has to answear that for him/her self .

If we think about thouse 10 commitments they make alot of cence ,
dont they . We shure dont go after them in Iraq, or in africa were
we let people die of hunger , while we eat our self to death the greed is
taken us to hell someone said if you earn 10 $ you want more , right
are we willing to give our little brother in africa witch is going from hunger ........... well I have not been very good at this but
if I can go and get 4 ltr of Coke cola , I can just get 2ltr and give away the money for the other to our little brother or sister   

We can see the greedness alround us , we see men and wimen selling kids
and wimen into sexual slavery, work , and drugs , what do we do ?
nothing or a little as possible , but what could we do ?

all thouse thing I was wrote down are in the 10 commitments

and we dont go after them at all.

and I still wander if I should change my faith ,

maybe I should go to our old Viking faith , Thor , Odinn, Ofeigur
they are their gods .....................

Well I wish you all Happy easter I am not feeling Negative at all
but these thing s .... we keep forget about .........
1000 Isl kr, helps one family in africa to have food for one month
thats about 16 $ thats what I am told by the Isl Red Cross.

I work with people from Africa , people who have been taken
to prison , slavery and worse , they are just people like us
looking for hope and change to live their live in peace , they are
good people and I like them and I can not I will not put me in their
past live .

meybe I should just shut up and dont say a word , but I had to.

If you think I have go over the line , please say so ... I can take it.

All the best Skarpi Iceland.