The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19697   Message #201987
Posted By: Abby Sale
27-Mar-00 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Seeking the Meaning of Life
Subject: Seeking the Meaning of Life

Seeking the Meaning of Life here on Earth (or at least in Florida.) Perhaps one can advise.

To celebrate the spring, last night at our club I sang the song in Digital Tradition, Clicky given as "REYNARD THE FOX" (2) it is filename RENOLDS.

It was pretty bad.

Now given three drawbacks:
I'm not a good singer by even the most generous standards
I sing a capella
There is no interest in or concept of "traditional song" among the members.

But on the positive side:
I sing in a strong, clear voice in a normal US-standard accent
The people were of normal intelligence and accustomed to hearing me sing.

The song went dead flat. Totally meaningless. I don't refer to whether the experience was enjoyable to others, I mean the song had no meaning - I might as well have been singing Chinese. Nobody got it as far as I could tell. Or even that it was a hunting song at all, or about a fox - never mind any subtler inferences.

It's a favorite of mine for 40 years that I happen to sing as well as any song I do (ie, mostly in the same key).

I'm a bit discouraged by this.

Naive questions: What's the whole point? Should I just stick to singing in the shower or singing to the dog in future?

Sorry to impose my downness here. But gee...