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Thread #92714   Message #2020481
Posted By: Amos
09-Apr-07 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
Subject: RE: BS: A Declaration of Impeachment
From Indybay, a San Francisco independent journal:

"It's Time to Impeach Bush and Cheney … Seriously
by Paul Hogarth, Beyond Chron (reposted)
Monday Apr 9th, 2007 6:39 AM

Here in San Francisco, supporting impeachment is like preaching to the choir, but I am now convinced that it has gone from desirable to necessary. Now that Congress has voted to withdraw our troops from Iraq, the U.S. government is at an impasse. George Bush is "the Decider," and he stubbornly refuses to work with a new Congress that was elected to end this disastrous War.

If anything, growing opposition will only make this President dig deeper into his heels. He's a lame duck who will never have to face the voters again, so why should he give in to the will of the people? Before the Democrats wimp out and drop their efforts to withdraw, we must ratchet up the pressure – and the logical solution at this point is to call for his impeachment.

For months, political observers have noted the strong interest that voters have about the 2008 election – even though the first ballot won't be cast for another year. The reason is that voters are so sick of the Bush Administration that they have moved on. But with the President's approval ratings in Nixon territory (and likely to continue dipping further), why not just put the Administration out of its misery and impeach Bush and Cheney now?

On April 5th, Beltway pundit Joe Klein wrote that the Bush Administration is in "epic collapse." According to Klein, the three latest developments from the White House – the showdown on Iraq, the scandal at Walter Reed Hospital and the firing of the eight U.S. Attorneys – "precisely illuminate the three qualities that make this Administration one of the worst in American history: arrogance (Iraq), incompetence (Walter Reed) and cynicism (the U.S. Attorneys)."

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