The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100473   Message #2020589
Posted By: Nickhere
09-Apr-07 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
Subject: RE: BS: Have you changed your religious views?
Amos - funny you should ask! Don't be amazed - it's really very simple and anyone can do it. Prayer (which basically means talking with God), meditation (reflecting on God, focusing on God) and of course, both Old and New Testament. God is very accesible to anyone who really wants to know Him, because He wants to be known.

I'd say those are the three main ways. The Bible is especially important - read it closely enough and you will indeed find a picture of God emerging. Nor is it difficult to read - just a few 'chapters' (not as long as the chapters in a 'normal' book) a day and you'd have it read in a year or less. If you still find that a daunting task, you could try one of these 'Bibles made easy' which is basically the stories of the Bible condensed into a kind of simple story - much like a novel. This gives you the basic outline of what happened and why. I mentioned earlier that the story of the Israelites tells us a lot about the character of God and contains many parallels for our own spiritual lives. This became apparent on reading a book like the one I described above, but it's still important to read the full text sometime.

BTW I wouldn't call them foibles. God is very consistent, even when the organised forms of religion (including the various consistent churches) aren't.