The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2021313
Posted By: Mike Miller
10-Apr-07 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
Racism is a term of power and power is a product of perception. There are groups that are pelted with impunity because they are seen as unthreatened (men, Americans, Wasps, the wealthy, politicians, lawyers, nuns) or too remote to matter (France, Italy, Germany).
Obviously, black audiences are not threatened by Chris Rock's language because they do not see intent to dehumanize. Oprah told Chris that she was uncomfortable with his frequent use of the word "nigger" and he explained that there was a distinct difference between a nigger and a black person and it was the niggers that made it so bad for everyone else. Intent is everything. Michael Richards spoke in in anger. So did Mel Gibson. Speaking of Mels, how come there was no furor when Mel Brooks released "Blazing Saddles"? That was a movie script that still holds the record for NPH (Niggers Per Hour).
I understand the paranoia because I have been known to get my hackles up when a non-Jew tells a joke about Jews. I feel threatened because, within my lifetime, Jews have been slaughtered and villified. I wish I could get over this fear because personal power belongs to those who believe in themselves and fear is the enemy of progress.
I would like to thank Kendall for instructing me, and my fellow Jews, as to the limits of racism. If he believes that there is not rampant anti-Semitism in the African-American community, then it must be so.