The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100629   Message #2021497
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
10-Apr-07 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Don Imus replacment
Subject: RE: BS: Don Imus replacment
"I don't know why comments like this are allowed on public airways at all. It is not just demeaning language, but it has a very threatening component as well. I hope FCC comes in and puts in some or enforces some rules. There are some "rights" of free speech I am quite willing to trample."

That is just plain wrong. The reason we have free speech in this country is to stop persecution and allow the sharing of ideas. The downside is that we sometimes hear things that make us very uncomfortable and angry. No one is telling ANYONE that they should listen or support Imus.

First it was a bare boob on television which opened the door to allow the FCC to determine what is indecent. Now, because one radio host acted like a jerk, you want the FCC to alter rules to stop his speech - because you feel angry.    Where does it stop? This will soon turn into Nazi Germany where we will be told what to listen to and watch.   You don't fight racism by chipping away at our right to free speech.   

If the employers of Don Imus decide to take him off their air (they do own the license, not Imus), then so be it. If you look for the government to step in and do it - you are asking for the end of this country as we know it.