The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100632   Message #2021795
Posted By: Azizi
10-Apr-07 - 08:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
Some people might view this as off-topic, but here goes anyway

I'm not interested in starting an argument, but I need to share an opinion that I believe is held by a number of Black people- the use of 'black' as a referent for something bad, or evil has a cumulative, negative hurtful psycho-social effect on black and brown skinned people and also perhaps more indirectly on people who do not have black and brown skin.

Already on this thread I have read two comments that use black to refer to something bad or evil. Those two examples are "Also in case of The Dark Side approaching and "..rarely is any thread as black and white as presented".

In light of the recent Imus incident, and incident after incident after incident of racist language being used to put down people of color, if we are ever going to eradicate racism, it seems to me that we have to be mindful of what we -perhaps unwittingly-communicate to others. And, it seems to me, that we have to make even seemingly unimportant changes in the words and phrases that we use. Of course, in my opinion, both non-Black people and Black people need to watch and change what words and sayings that are used in everyday conversation.

On one Mudcat thread some time ago, one member [whose name I don't recall but even if I did I wouldn't share it] wrote that he was wary about what to say on threads that I posted to because he felt he had to be pc. I assume that he meant he had to mind that he didn't say anything he felt that I would take exception to.

I'm not interested in being the pc police. However, I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't share perspectives and opinions that matter to me, regardless of whether someone or someones felt that I was being to anal about issues of race, or regardless if an individual or individuals was wary around me or weary of me. I mean no disrespect but I do understand that what I am saying that even if disrespect is not intended, people-including me- have to be careful not to unwittingly cause it.   

But I do have just one more thing to say to the member or members who are wary {or weary} of me-

