The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99416   Message #2021966
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
11-Apr-07 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Subject: RE: BS: Once a Mudcat, always a ? (Story thread)
Blake Madison awoke from a deep dreamless sleep with a powerful urge to visit the gentleman's room. As he sat up on what was apparently a plastic tanning bed, he banged his forehead sharply on a clear plastic cover that encapsulated it. "What the f...!" Madison said. He glanced around and his first impression was that he had just caught 40 winks at Tomorrowland in the entry lobby for Space Mountain. And he was the only one at Space Mountain. Except for a dim figure across the cavernous, dimly luminescent room. This figure lay in a similar tanning bed to his.

Madison banged on the plastic coccoon. "Hey! Gotta pee! Somebody!" There was no answer. Near the other tanning bed lay a long silver shape. It looked like a canoe. "Sheee-it", whispered Madison. The whole memory of the alien abduction struck him like a rabbit punch. He glanced down, noticed he was clad only in his Fruit-of-the-Looms. "Shee-it," he said again. He took a quick inventory of body parts, and everything seemed to check out ok. Then, as his fingers passed across his face, he felt an odd sensation...yes, a patch the size of a tennis ball had been shaved out of the mop of hair on his forehead. He tenderly touched the flesh there, felt no pain, no horrific scar or stitching. "God I need a drink," he said aloud.
It was then that a movement at the edge of his vision caught his attention.

The lid of the other coccoon was slowly lifting. A dark figure sat up, and rose from its bed. With a strange, stiff, and stumbling gait, this figure made its way to the canoe, removed something from inside. Then it stood erect, turning slowly toward him, peering at him from across the vast space. It paused momentarily, then shambled in his direction. Madison pushed with all his strength on the lid. It wouldn't budge. The shambling figure drew nearer, something about the square jaw, touseled hair and flattened nose made him catch his breath. The figure came to a stop, 3 feet from him. Then it slowly raised a bottle of Four Roses and took a long slow tug. Madison stared at a slightly less good-looking replica of himself, and the figure stared back, opened its mouth, and spoke.
"Sheee-it," it said.