The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100632   Message #2022178
Posted By: John Hardly
11-Apr-07 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
Subject: RE: BS: Where has all the hostility gone ?
holy shit. This is so absurd that I can't even believe it. There is one and only one reason ANY white person that I know has EVER referred to an "african-america" as "black"....

THEY (the "african-american") demanded it!!!

Now you are bitching because there MAY be a negative connotation to "black"?

Get over it.

We have danced like puppets dangling at the end of this fear-of-racism string for so damn long, doing ANYTHING that the "people-of-color" demanded of us (as regards nomenclature) and this just proves that when color can afford such political power, there will be no pleasing a group.

The fact that we would refer to an "african-american" as an apt racial descriptor shows just how stupid this has gotten to be. There is nothing about dark skin that would lead to a deduction of "american" and there is even little about dark skin that would lead one to conclude "african"........and yet THEY demand it, and we bend over backwards.